We're All Different: Helping Children Accept and Respect Differences
Common Ground

We're All Different: Helping Children Accept and Respect Differences

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Thursday, July 29 at 6:00pm
General Admission - FREE

How do we start conversations with our children about differences that they notice between themselves and other people?

Our world - our country, our state, our neighborhoods and even our families--is becoming more diverse, integrated and interconnected than it ever has been. Kids notice, and they will look to the adults in their lives for guidance. (When was the last time that a child asked you in their best outdoor voice: “Why does that person look like that?”) Whether the differences are in regard to skin color, body size, values, culture, religion, lifestyle or even fashion, understanding how to navigate differences is important. Being able to respect and accept differences is a skill that children will use at home, in social settings and at school. This foundation will last their entire lives.

Will you join us at Hanna Perkins Center for Child Development to have a conversation about helping our children accept and respect difference?

Environment: Weather permitting and for those who prefer to do so, we will gather at least one group outside in a shaded area on our grounds. In inclement weather and for those who prefer, we will gather at least one group inside in our spacious Furman Hall.

Parking: Free in our parking lot (entrance on Falmouth Rd.)

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